I started collecting as a sixth grader, gave itg up for several years, and got serious again in the 20s.  Stamp collecting fed into personal interests of geography, foreign languages, and history.  Through stamps I got to know the world.  It also was a relaxing way to spend free time.

From 1978 until 1984 Sharon and I ran a part-time business:  J. Douglas Risser--Stamps of the World.  Most of our sales came from weekend shows around the Midwest, from Pittsburgh to Milwaukee with regular shows in Indianapolis, Kalamazoo, Chicago, Toledo as well as Fort Wayne and South Bend.  I still have stuff left over from those years that I need to dispose of "some day".

I started collecting Bolivia stamps when I went there in 1969.  I had a total of three different Bolivia stamps when I got there.  Now almost 50 years later I consider my Bolivia collection to be almost complete, to the point of now focusing more on classics, including the first issue ("Condors"), as well as varieties.

Over time, I will work to scan some interesting items not usually seen.  I hope you enjoy them.  Check out the "Collecting" page for a few interesting items from my collection.